Balso vai mirsti..

Šādi savus apmeklētājus uzrunā Pirātu Līča administratori, aicinot nepalikt malā un piedalīties Eiropas Parlamenta vēlēšanās.

Pirātu Līča uzturētāji norāda uz jauniem, satraucošiem likumiem un ES direktīvām, kas ietekmē visu dalībvalstu iedzīvotājus, un aicina nepalikt malā. Galu galā balsošana aizņem tikai dažas minūtes laika.
The 4-7th of june it's time for elections to the European parliament again. Some say it doesn't matter if you vote, some say it's just an election between a douche and a turd* and all the politicians try to convice you that they all know whats best for you.

No matter what you think of the above, we have seen a lot of new very disturbing laws and directives from the EU these last years (telecom package, ipred, the data retention directive). Laws that each member country then are obliged to follow. So yes, it does matter who we elect! We at The Pirate Bay have our different political views and don't want to shove any politics down your throat, but we want you to vote! After all, it only takes a few minutes of your time.

Latvijā Eiropas Parlamenta vēlēšanas paredzētas 6.jūnijā, un tās notiek vienlaikus ar pašvaldību vēlēšanām.

Balso vai mirsti!

*Dienvidparks: Vote or Die

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